WHAT THE HOLY MENSTRUATION?! The headline is another way of saying that Marvel Comics' heavy bleeding is entirely their own fault. Beginning with the angry fan blowback, ham-handedly incited by their marketing VP, Marvel had a bad past week.
On the heels of discovering that their 2014 to the present "Diversity" approach is being roundly dismissed by Marvel fans (according to sales), Marvel's tone deaf buffoon, David Gabriel, Vice-President of print sales in marketing, told ICV2, To The Fan Base, that they are Haters who don't want diversity when he said, No, and the actual response from comic book fans, ranging from New York Times bestselling authors to relatively sedate comic fans like this guy,
shone a harsh light on David's oblivious career incompetence. It also caused the same Marvel execs to back pedal from their own newly discovered prejudices and bigotry. They had no idea they were leaving their worst character flaws so exposed. Then on Saturday, April 8, came the second strike. In this week's Wednesday release of X-Men Gold #1 comic book, it was soon discovered by Facebook comic fans that Indonesian Marvel Comics artist, Ardian Syaf, laced his backgrounds with anti-Christian and anti-Jewish hate messages, calling for the oppression of Jews and Christians. It was soon revealed that this was nothing new for Ardian, who was busted when he excitedly boasted (in his language) on his Facebook page about pulling one over on his Marvel bosses. Upon being exposed by several Marvel fans who speak Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), and then by Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool, Syaf defended his actions, saying, The number is not a peace act, but a call to the crushing (death) of an unbeliever. What Christian governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - aka Ahok - did was quote Koranic passage (QS) 5:51 which states, It is blasphemy for non-Islamics to share any Koranic passages that call for persecution or oppression of non-Islamics. In Indonesia, any non-Islamics who reveal Koranic passages to the unbelievers are blasphemers. What Governor Ahok did, while prominent Muslim leaders of Indonesia called for the oppression of Jews and Christians according to the Koran, was beseech his fellow Indonesians to NOT oppress Jews and Christians, despite being told to by Muslim leaders and the Koran. For this he was thrown in jail and has since apologized for attempting to protect unbelievers from persecution and execution. Protecting unbelievers is itself, blasphemy under Islamic law. Part of Syaf's fatuous "peace Act" was also putting the word "Jew" next to X-Men leader, Kitty Pride: a form of racist "outing", common in Islamic countries, publicly identifying the Jew as a target. Kitty is a Jewish character who, in that moment, is clearly a target. How peaceful. This will be sticky for Marvel, obviously, since their spiritual leader, Stan Lee, as well as (deeply) troubled Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter, are both Jewish. Marc Guggenhiem, who wrote the story Ardian illustrated, is also Jewish. Ardian was secretly calling for violence against all of them and was really laughing it up at their expense, while showboating to his fellow Islamics for sport. Now exposed, Ardian Syaf suddenly isn't feeling so clever and is currently pulling the, "Some of my best friends are Jews and Christians", schtick, but as he has previously bragged on Facebook about participating in hardline protests against non-Islamics, it isn't fooling anyone but the foolish. Bleeding Cool provides the news. and the (so far) tepid Marvel response. UPDATE - Ardian Syaf no longer works for Marvel and it is unlikely he'll find work with anyone in the U.S. outside of Islam or flyers for the KKK. Ardian leaves choosing to embrace hatred - posturing as peace - and oppression of the weak as justice. This is his So Long And Thanks for All the Martyrdom!, Facebook letter, "Hello, Worlds... My career is over now. It's the consequence what I did, and I take it. Please no more mockery, debat, no more hate. I hope all in peace. In this last chance, I want to tell you the true meaning of the numbers, 212 and QS 5:51. It is number of JUSTICE. It is number of LOVE. My love to Holy Qur' love to the last prophet, the love to ALLAH, The One God. My apologize for all the noise. Good bye, May God bless you all. I love all of you. -Ardian Syaf-" Meanwhile, true to their word, Marvel pulled X-MEN GOLD #1 today and will soon replace it, still with Ardian's art, but without his attention needy childishness. So if you didn't rush the hell out over the weekend and grab the (now limited) copies of The Gold like I did, you're SOL.
This article copyright 2017 E.C.McMullen Jr.
Matt Jarbo's interview with Feo Amante at The Zurvivalist. James Cheetham's Q&A with Feo Amante at Unconventional Interviews *. Megan Scudellari interviews Feo Amante and Kelly Parks (of THE SCIENCE MOMENT) in The Scientist Magazine. Check out our interview at REFERENCES Researcher David Waldron, references my review of UNDERWORLD in the Spring 2005, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture entry, Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic (downloadable pdf).
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