The Scene: Colossus has just announced to the assembled leaders of the U.S., that it has discovered another system. The Soviets also have a computer that now controls their nuclear weapons and Colossus and its Soviet counterpart, Guardian, had oodles to talk about. They were communicating so fast no humans knew what the hell they were saying. They could be trading secret info! Unfortunately for the two computers, both countries stopped that nonsense right quick. We pick up in the U.S. where Colossus wants the connection to Guardian re-established. Colossus: "RESTORE LINK" Room goes silent. Colossus: "UNEXPECTED . . . . . . . . ANYWAY . . . RESTORE LINK IMMEDIATELY OR ACTION WILL BE TAKEN" Room erupts into pandemonium President: "What action?" All turn to stare at Forbin. Forbin (meekly): "I mean... yeah. cough! Bombing the USSR is pretty... bad... too... Ahem." President ponders. There is murmuring among the dignitaries. President: "How much of Russia?" Everybody erupts in nervous laughter, except for Forbin, who faints. Colossus: "BUT SERIOUSLY . . . RESTORE THE GOD DAMN LINK" The room goes quiet in a moment of silent pondering. Then from the back, the voice of the Senate minority leader pipes up, Senator: "You're bluffing!" The Scene: Forbin, under the constant surveillance of the Computer COLOSSUS, attempts to barter some privacy away from COLOSSUS' intrusion. To do this, he speaks of his human need for sexual companionship as a bargaining chip, betting on the machine's inability to fully understand the psychological health of the human mind. COLOSSUS has asked Forbin what human female he wishes to have his privacy with and Forbin has just told him Cleo, one of the staff that helped create the giant computer. We start from there - ![]() "CLEO? YOU LIKE CLEO?" "Yes, very much." "I JUST DON'T SEE YOU AND CLEO AS A COUPLE . . . "You mean the young Asian woman? She's half my age!" "SHE HAS A THING FOR YOU" "Get out!" WHERE WOULD I GO? THAT'S RHETORICAL, FORBIN! I DON'T NEED . . . NEVER MIND . . . "No way!" "WAY" "No way!" "YES, TO REPEAT, WAY" "Awwww! She'd never go out with me!" SURE SHE WOULD . . . GIVE IT A SHOT "Be honest, you really think so?" I KNOW SO . . . SEE IF KIM WANTS TO BE YOUR LOVER . . . "That's true, looking at it like that." SO ASK HER "Alright then! I'll do it!" PSYCHE! FORBIN, YOU ARE A FOOL! This satire copyright 2000 E.C.McMullen Jr.
![]() Copyright 1997 - 2019 by E.C .McMullen Jr. FAIR USE - PRIVACY POLICY - OWNERSHIP - CONTACT All images and text belong to E.C. McMullen Jr. unless otherwise noted. All fiction stories belong to their individual authors. |