Movies Ken King Review by
Ken King


- 2016
USA Release: March 15, 2018
Dark Age Cinema, Epic Pictures Release, Dread Central Presents
Rating: USA: R

"Sweetheart, I've been doing this twenty-two years, alright? Once you've seen an eight-month-old microwaved to death…everything else is just old hat."
- Coroner

Art the Clown (David Howard Thornton: NIGHTWING: ESCALATION [TV], THE EXIGENCY) is one scary motherfucker. Forget Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Ghostface and anyone else. Art is the real deal. That black & white makeup job and matching suit, mouthful of rotten teeth, long, pointed nose and especially his SILENCE (even when he is the one taking a lot of damage) makes him the creeper of creepers. He is wonderfully hideous.

The fact that he is still overshadowed by some of those I mentioned, is one of the biggest tragedies in Horror cinema. Sure, a case could be made for some Horror icons being around for a lot longer, but some of these blew up seemingly overnight. All those I mentioned did. So did Jason Voorhees. So did Hannibal Lecter.

So, when will be Art's time?

Contrary to popular belief, Art's first appearance wasn't in TERRIFIER, but in a short film called, THE 9TH CIRCLE (2008). And then yet in another short film with the same name, TERRIFIER (2011) and finally, a feature length microbudget anthology movie, ALL HALLOWS EVE (2013). In that film Art, was played by Mike Gianelli. Both movies were written and directed by Damien Leone (FRANKENSTEIN VS. THE MUMMY).

For the most part, I think Damien Leone did a great job with TERRIFIER. I'm sure budget had everything to do with the locations. There were two, or three, I'm sure. Some "places" that were supposed to be elsewhere, probably had suitable rooms to substitute as a different location. If this is the case, then the pizzeria and the building that served as a garage of sorts, fulfilled the criteria for the other locations that were an apartment and mortuary. So, it was more than likely two spots. No big deal. The point got across. It didn't leave me scratching my head wondering who the hell they thought they were trying to fool, because it sure wasn't me.

The film opens with one of Art's former victims who has been left with a horribly disfigured face, being interviewed by television personality, Monica Brown (Katie Maguire: RED CANYON, ALL HALLOWS EVE, INFECTED SURVIVORS) about her experience, and what her life has been like since the violent attack. After the show is done, Monica, is on the phone with her boyfriend/husband and gets a call patching in. Nobody is on the other end when she answers. Monica hears something behind the clothes rack in her dressing room and goes to investigate.

Big mistake.

Later, two very drunk chicas, Dawn (Catherine Corcoran: RETURN TO NUKE 'EM HIGH Vol. 1 & 2, CAESER AND OTTO'S PARANORMAL HALLOWEEN, AMITYVILLE: VANISHING POINT, LONG LOST, 100 ACRES OF HELLBENEATH THE BLACK VEIL, SHAKESPEARE'S SH*STORM) and Tara (Jenna Kanell: DEMONICA'S REIGN, THE BYE BYE MAN, 15 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT BIGFOOT, KILLER BABES AND THE FRIGHTENING FILM FIASCO) are stumbling along towards Dawn's car. They have just attended a Halloween party and are in the process of going home. Sadly, neither are in any condition to drive, so they think getting something to eat is the way to go and maybe they will sober up some with food in their bellies.

Then they see Art coming up the street towards them with a garbage bag over his shoulder, its contents unknown. They're suitably creeped out, Tara especially. Tara tries to get Dawn to hurry up and go inside the pizza parlor that is open and when they turn back to see what Art is up to, the clown is gone.

Art the Clown

The girls make it to the pizza place, and all is well... for a minute or two. Next thing you know, Art comes sauntering in. It isn't long before he is tossed out by the owner of the pizzeria (Gino Caffarelli). There was a bathroom incident, you see...

It's not long afterwards, the drunken lasses are on their way out, but in the proper way. They find that one of Dawn's tires on her car is flat. Tara calls her sister, Victoria (Samantha Scaffidi: DEMON HOLE). Victoria has to study for a final the next day but agrees to come and pick the two other girls up after her roommates come in and start making out on the couch beside her.

Suddenly, Tara has to pee. Since the restaurant hasn't had time to finish cleaning the john, they try to come up with solutions. One is presented. An exterminator comes out of a building a few yards away, and Tara makes for the building unless she misses the opportunity. After much back and forth, Mike (Matt McAllister) the Exterminator lets Tara come in and use the little girl's room.

Dawn sits in the car and waits, listening to the radio. A news bulletin comes on. It warns a killer clown is on the loose and when Dawn hears his description, she is suitably horrified. This doesn't last, however, as a second later, like clockwork, Art appears and jabs Dawn with a syringe. She is out for the count.

Meanwhile, in the should be condemned building, Tara is about to leave and finds she can't. there are chains on the front door. Panicked, she starts looking for another exit. Once more, our buddy Art pops up and gives chase. She eludes him for a bit and runs into a crazy woman (Pooya Mohseni: WHEN DEATH CALLS, BLOODY SLUMBER PARTY, BRUTAL COLORS, FALLING WATER [TV], GHOST SOURCE ZERO, LAPSIS, THORP, RIVAL PEAK [TV], RIVAL SPEAK [TV]) in the bowels of this subterranean hell overrun with rats (that's why the exterminator is there. Dude was just wasting his time, I'm afraid. The only thing that place needed was a wrecking ball).

Not long after this chance encounter, Art jabs Tara with a syringe. I hope a new one was used, at least. Using shared needles could prove fatal and... ah, forget it. Communicable diseases are the absolute last thing these two friends need to worry about.

I'm afraid the rest of the movie is just a string of slaughters with very little else going down. When the cops show up, the circumstances are such that they should have just stopped off on the way for crullers and coffee for all the good they did.

Art was an absolute savage in these parts. Not often is there this amount of brutality and carnage in one sitting than there is here. Oh, I'm sure it occurs, but I guess I have yet to see it.

Art Loves Fire

There's more than a few shocks and surprises in the film throughout. TERRIFIER boasts of one of the most inventive kills ever put to film. I have seen some creative ones in my time, but this one tops all of that. When you see it, you will know what I mean. It's going to be interesting to see if Damien Leone can beat that one in TERRIFIER 2. I have no doubt that he will give it the old college try.

Before I sign off, I need to say that Art isn't above using a gun. An actual fucking gun! None of his fellow masked serial killers have ever utilized one. This makes him unique amongst their number.

Whatever it takes to get the job done, right?

All throughout the film, there is no indication Art is anything but a very human psychopath. Something then occurs that suggests there might be more to our boy than meets the eye. Where it comes to monsters, there usually is.

Do not go into this movie expecting an Academy Award Winning performances and you will have a good time with it if you are into massive bloodshed. TERRIFIER is so over the top that you can't help but have fun with what is happening on the screen. It's better to laugh than to scream and I'm sure some of you will be doing that too.

Four Shriek Girls.

TERRIFIER is our 1000th Movie Review!

Shriek GirlsShriek GirlsShriek GirlsShriek Girls
This review copyright 2021 E.C.McMullen Jr.

Terrifier (2016) on IMDb
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