SPLINTER EUREKA! One of the characters discovers that the spiky varmint is blind but attracted to heat, and so decides to lower his body temperature (using bags of ice) to around 91 degrees to attempt escape. The temperature at which you die from the cold does not occur outside the body (it can be below zero) but your body's core temperature, which should hover at an average of 98.6. When your body's core temperature drops below 98.6, hypothermia sets in, affecting three stages of consciousness (if you're asleep you'll just sleep your way to death). Stage 1 Hypothermia At 95.6 you begin shivering uncontrollably, your muscle and cerebral functions are impaired, performing simple tasks requires intense concentration, your arteries near the skin surface shrink causing your flesh and lips to change color, and higher brain functions shut down. Stage 2 Hypothermia Bodily death will occur at - Stage 3 Hypothermia As death approaches you will try to dig or burrow into something, anything: Garbage, leaves, a snowpack, a crevice, solid rock - it's called Terminal Burrowing, and you won't be able to help it or stop yourself. Your heart will beat faster as your blood pressure drops. You also won't be able to call out for help or hear others calling your name. Should the internal cold persist, your body will completely shut down as your brain will be the last thing to die. Your brain controls and uses the most of your body's resources. The character's behavior is in keeping with how a human being would act under those conditions and so makes perfect sense. Kudos to the writers for using real science to bring the Scary!
Matt Jarbo's interview with Feo Amante at The Zurvivalist. Researcher David Waldron, references my review of UNDERWORLD in the Spring 2005, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture entry, Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic (downloadable pdf).