300 |
Okay, first there are a few things to consider when watching this movie. 1. It was co-wrote by Zack Snyder (DAWN OF THE DEAD [2004]), and it's only the second feature film he's ever directed.
2. Zack never graduated from film school. 3. His co-writers for this film are Kurt Johnstead and Michael B. Gordon. 4. It is based on the original Frank Miller (ROBOCOP 2, ROBOCOP 3, SIN CITY) and Lynn Varley graphic novel, 300. The book - though fictionalized - is in turn, based upon the actual event that happened in Greece around 480 BC: one of the most significant and defining moments in both history and democracy. 5. 300 has about 18 various producers including Mark Canton (RED PLANET, TRAPPED, TAKING LIVES, LAND OF THE DEAD), who has had an amazingly mediocre film career up to this point; Bernie Goldmann (TAKING LIVES, LAND OF THE DEAD), whose film career is just as bad; Gianni Nunnari (SE7EN, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN [all]), whose film career is significantly better; Jefferey Silver (THE RETURN), who has a pretty good film career, and Bernie Goldman (with one "n"), who hasn't done anything before other than fight to the top of the Hollywood hill of Bernie G' film makers (all of the 'Steve Barnetts' of Hollywood would understand). Wassmor, this is not the first time the story has been told in film. But this story: Whatta great story! The look of it, the story, the action, the varmints that could not possibly be real! Yet the tale and the way it is told and acted renders the flights of fancy as just! The superb acting by a bunch of character actors!
Gerard Butler (TALE OF THE MUMMY, DRACULA 2000, REIGN OF FIRE, LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER: THE CRADLE OF LIFE) as King Leonides. With a stirring score by Tyler Bates (ALIEN AVENGERS [all], DAWN OF THE DEAD [2004], THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, SLITHER) and cinematography by Larry Fong, complimented perfectly by a special effects team directed by Lindsay Adams (GHOST SHIP, THE LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING, SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW), 300 is beautiful to look at. And you know what else? I came out of 300 feeling like I did the first time I saw Rocky. I felt like I did the first time I saw Star Wars. The first time I saw THE MATRIX. Feeling as exhilarated as I wanted to feel from the second series of Star Wars movies; the feeling that I didn't get from THE MATRIX sequels. Okay, okay: I've been as sober and calm in writing this review as I can be, but this movie is just so God Damn, Motherfu*king, Kick-ass! 300 FREAKING ROCKS! Five Shriek Girls